Choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD
Joshua 24:15



Welcome. When I first began this website several years ago, the intention was for it to be an easy way for our many friends around the country and world to have a place to easily keep up with the goings-on of the Tucker family. Much has changed since then, both within our family and on the Internet as well. My wife and I both retired at the end of 2009. Since then, we have done some traveling and have been able to spend significantly more time with our family.

The Tucker children have all grown up now. All four are married, and two of them are parents. Rebekah, our youngest married in May of 2008. My wife and I currently have eight grandchildren, the oldest is twelve and the youngest is now five months. Due to the prevalent use of the Internet by online predators and other nefarious types, I will not post on this site any specific information on our family. If you are a friend of the family, then you already have an email address for us. If you have lost that, I will respond if you sign the guestbook.

This new, scaled down website will concentrate mainly on chronicling our travels. When time permits, I plan to scan in some older travel photos and put them online as well. I also enjoy authoring websites, but haven't done much in that area lately. I previously authored and maintained websites for Anchor of Hope Ministries in Alexandria, Virginia and Prince William Community Church in Dale City, Virginia. Neither entity exists currently. The one website I maintain now is for my high school class, the Howard High Class of 1967.


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